
Just Jean - I Lost

Just Jean - I Lost
To all the world out there:

I lost. I was told by the police today that even if John admits to the case, they will not prosecute him. I took a gamble and I lost. Everyone must have been wondering why the original post was even put up. It was a chance that I took - that by posting up what happened that night, he will sue me for defamation which will then lead to the case to be investigated.

In the end, as everyone know it, he sued me for defamation. I was happy he did because this will open up a can of worms on what exactly happened that night - that this will eventually lead him to blurt out what happened. However, now I know I am the real loser. Not only may I be forced to give him back what he gave me, I have to make a public apology of what I said of him - and pay him an enormously undisclosed amount of money. John certainly had his dream realised - that he wanted lots and lots of money. Now, he achieved what he wanted.

I will never apologise for posting up what I did because by doing so, I am admitting that I had been lying. Even though I didn’t manage to get investigations on going, I did not regret doing so. I want everyone to know that John Chew Kian Wui is a wolf in sheep’s clothing - that he may look nice on the outside but he harbours evil thoughts inside. I want the whole world to know what he did to me. He may never be prosecuted but the facts of what he did will never be erased from the Internet.


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