'Jackass' gets book banned in Mass. - UPI.com: "Two Massachusetts school districts rejected a book meant to encourage youngsters to read because of its offending last line -- 'It's a book, jackass.'
Pat Earle, who operates a literacy program, the First R Foundation, told The Boston Globe people offended by the book, called 'It's A Book,' have been filling her in-box with offensive e-mails. Earle made 'It's A Book' her choice for first-graders and offered copies to elementary schools in Gloucester and Rockport."
Pat Earle, who operates a literacy program, the First R Foundation, told The Boston Globe people offended by the book, called 'It's A Book,' have been filling her in-box with offensive e-mails. Earle made 'It's A Book' her choice for first-graders and offered copies to elementary schools in Gloucester and Rockport."
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