
Barack Obama Personally Apologises To Muslim Women Over Rally Headscarf Row |Sky News|World News

Barack Obama Personally Apologises To Muslim Women Over Rally Headscarf Row |Sky News|World News: Barack Obama has apologised to two Muslim women who were barred from sitting behind his podium during a campaign rally because they were wearing Islamic headscarves. The pair were stopped from taking their seats - which would have been in view of television cameras - by volunteers in Detroit.

Obama has now called both women, Shimaa Abdelfadeel and Hebba Aref, to personally apologise.

He said in a statement: "I reached out to Ms Aref and Ms Abdelfadeel this afternoon.

"I spoke with Ms Abdelfadeel and expressed my deepest apologies for the incident that occurred with volunteers at the event in Detroit."

Obama said the actions were "unacceptable and in no way reflect any policy of my campaign".

"I take deepest offence to and will continue to fight against discrimination against people of any religious group or background," he added.

Obama said Ms Abdelfadeel had accepted his apology and hoped that Ms Aref - who he left a phone message for - would as well.


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